What comments can you make about the Rhythm of this commercial?
The rhythm is very up beat, as the shots and background sound are in sync, but are changing rapidly and cutting every time they change. The rhythm in this commercial is very fast and it help makes the audience become excited about whats going to happen next. The fast-paced editing really creates a sense of rhythm, as the frame covers a large variety of people and places. It also matches with the music.
How does the editing manipulate the passage of time?
It shows a range of time periods. eg: nighttime, daytime. The audience also sees the sun setting in a scene, so we know that the time is changing. The jeep's are always traveling in the commercial and the audience can see the white lines on the road moving.
Are there any graphic matches and how are they used to enhance the commercial?
There are many graphic matches shown throughout the commercial and they enhance it by creating a sense of rhythm to the commercial and making it more interesting. Match cut's are also shown in the commercial, where the people and cars in one shot change into other people and cars, but they are in the same place as the last shot. These match cuts enhance the commercial, giving it rhythm, passing of time and graphic relationships.
Good Maddi - you should try and include some examples of the match cuts used too.